When it was time to go, our "guide" proceeded to take us to a factory where they do marble inlays. We were subjected to a presentation on how this is done and then ushered into the showroom. We had no intentions of buying anything that expensive, but listened politely and got out of there as soon as we could. Then we were taken to a jewelry store where the same thing happened. Sometimes I hate being a tourist!
By this point, we were both exhausted and just wanted to get back to Delhi and our hotel (we had left the hotel at 6:30 this morning). We left Agra at 1:30 p.m., not even stopping for lunch (which our driver thought was very odd). Traffic became a huge issue, and it only got worse as we got closer to Delhi. Six hours and fifteen minutes later, we were back. It took us that long to go 125 miles--averaging about 20 miles an hour. Talk about miserable! I'm just glad the car had air conditioning so we didn't sweat to death.
We are going to try to attend church tomorrow; it all depends on finding the building. This ought to be interesting!
That is the most amazing building ever
Absolutely breathtaking! I'm so glad you got to go!
How come you got to take pictures up close? When we went me weren't allowed?
Oh! I completely forgot. May I use some of these to add to my Facebook pictures?
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