Monday, November 23, 2009

Family Night

Sometimes, you just have to get creative for Family Home Evening. Tonight we took a jaunt to the thread/yarn store and then to a wonderful Thai restaurant for dinner. On the way home, we just had to stop for some gelato on Road 9, but we realized that it was getting very late. So we held a very impromptu lesson while eating our ice cream/gelato outside the store. Nancy said we should go around the table and tell what we are thankful for since it's Thanksgiving this week. She said she was thankful for Grandma being here to help (aw, shucks). Andrew said, "No, you stole mine!" and then quickly said he was thankful for Miriam. Rachel said she was thankful for Miriam because she's in our family now. Then Andrew asked what Grandma was thankful for, and Rachel shouted out, "Her rabbits!" We have no idea how she came up with that one, especially since I don't have any rabbits and have never mentioned rabbits to Rachel; we all had a great laugh! As for my answer, I'm thankful to be in Egypt with this wonderful family and for the chance to get to know them better. I feel useful, needed, and loved -- thanks Andrew, Nancy, Rachel, and Miriam!


Mammodouy's Stories said...

Nancy said that I could tell you how much I appreciate your blog... We've never met but I've never met the "Unreal" Heisses either!
I do like your way of looking at life. I do.
I hope we'll meet someday.

Cristina said...


It's so awesome that you're in Egypt helping Nancy & Andrew. I totally had I dream that I was there with you guys -- very strange.
